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Work With Us
Open Position: Farmer/Floral Designer
Job Description
Position would be from the end of April - end of October Early November
Farm Maintenance:
- Covering beds with compost laying flower fabric
- Ensuring rows are cleaned and maintained for people to walk on.
- Managing U-Pick events
- Deadheading, pinching/pruning, and watering
- Proper watering by drip irrigation valves when watering certain rows.
- Maintaining floral products (wedding, retail bouquets, etc.)
- Taking quality photos on your phone of blooms and what is being harvested.
- Harvest everyday or every other day and store fresh blooms in the cooler.
- Know flowers by name, when we planted them, when they’ll be ready for harvest
- Planting seeds or plant plugs
- Making market bouquets
- Elgin farmers market from 3-7pm (June-October)
- Willing to work occasional farmers markets (Saturdays from 7:00am-1:30)
- Preparing product for retail outlets, the farm stand and farmers market.
- Washing flower buckets
- Driving to retail stores and delivering flowers
Farm work pay: $12/hr.
Floral design/weddings: $12/+ with increasing design experience.
Applcation Form

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